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There are 24 guests currently online

Today, 7:22pm

Thread: "Where in the world has Manuel gone?"

Today, 7:22pm

Thread: "Jabaco lifetime"

Today, 7:22pm

Thread: "Text from a file"

Today, 7:22pm

Thread: "MSGBOX"

Today, 7:21pm

Thread: "Using non-English character in code project file gets curropted"

Today, 7:21pm

Post in thread: "Using non-English character in code project file gets curropted"

Today, 7:21pm

Thread: "Executable for Microsoft and Mac, as I do?"

Today, 7:20pm

Forum: "General topics, questions and discussions"

Today, 7:20pm

Thread: "menubar creator"

Today, 7:17pm

Thread: "how to address pane of splitpane"

Today, 7:17pm

Thread: "ZOrder"

Today, 7:16pm

Forum: "General topics, questions and discussions"

Today, 7:14pm

Forum: "General topics, questions and discussions"

Today, 7:13pm

Thread: "Single Array Returning Double"

Today, 7:13pm

Thread: "msgbox before close form"

Today, 7:13pm

Thread: "Help Please con converting some code"

Today, 7:12pm

Forum: "General topics, questions and discussions"

Today, 7:12pm

Thread: "Considering the move to Jabaco"

Today, 7:11pm

Thread: "overriding method from superclass"

Today, 7:11pm

Thread: "Pb with color"

Today, 7:11pm

Thread: "Datbase apps with SQlite ?"

Today, 7:10pm

Thread: "FleListBox control"

Today, 7:09pm

Thread: "MaxLength"

Today, 7:08pm

Thread: "Warning !!! Find Replace Kill Source"

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