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There are 17 guests currently online

Today, 11:06pm


Today, 11:05pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Common Dialog"

Today, 11:05pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.0] Unhandled win32 exception"

Today, 11:05pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] error writing text to VBFileHandler file"

Today, 11:05pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Implements Transferable"

Today, 11:05pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Java 8/JDBC-ODBC Bridge will no longer be included with the JDK?"

Today, 11:04pm

Forum: "Bugreports and known bugs"

Today, 11:04pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Help, save as name problem"

Today, 11:04pm

Post in thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Help, save as name problem"

Today, 11:04pm

Post in thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Help, save as name problem"

Today, 11:03pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Click() or DblClick() event not fired on some controls"

Today, 11:03pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Java 8/JDBC-ODBC Bridge will no longer be included with the JDK?"

Today, 11:02pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Redim Preserve"

Today, 11:02pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Spinner control - does not fire events"

Today, 11:02pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Error: Java.lang.NoSuchMethodError"

Today, 11:02pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] Click() or DblClick() event not fired on some controls"

Today, 11:02pm

Thread: "[VERSION 1.5.2] TextBox Control not visible?!"

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