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Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 7:42pm

Author: MelX

About PictureBoxes...?

I'm just wondering what the Opaque and Transparency attributes do? They don't seem to do anything hmm... I have a background and I would like to have a semi transparent image on top, any tips on how I could do that?

Friday, November 25th 2011, 2:07am

Author: MelX

Java backward compatibility??

I noticed the framework is still getting updated. I'm not quite a great programmer yet. Jabaco looks like a nice tool, but I was just a little afraid I might encounter a problem that I could not fix. I have to admit I'm not completely sure of what you're trying to say by giving me this link: New Version. Seems you're quite busy but will eventually continue development. I hope I'm right because I find your project amazing. Thank you for the reply!

Tuesday, November 22nd 2011, 6:54pm

Author: MelX

Java backward compatibility??

It may be an odd question, but I'm wondering for how long will programs made in Jabaco work. Seems Jabaco is not being updated much anymore, will the subsequent version of the Java interpreter be able to run Jabaco files for a long time? I don't want to use VB6 because it seems it could be tricky to get your apps to work on future versions of Windows, but I'm guessing the same will happen to Jabaco executable if the compiler stops being updated? Jabaco seems just a little bit easier to use than ...

Tuesday, November 22nd 2011, 6:40pm

Author: MelX

Confused about portability??

Ow...that's quite amazing. Jabaco could use a different name for the control though. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 22nd 2011, 9:20am

Author: MelX

Confused about portability??

Thank you. I know Jabaco is supposed to be cross platform, but Winsock having Win in the name gives me some doubts. Maybe it's a Winsock emulation, but it's a little hard for me to tell. It would be nice if it's cross platform. Any confirmation on this? I can't really test at the moment.

Monday, November 21st 2011, 9:54am

Author: MelX

Confused about portability??

Are programs made with Jabaco cross-platform? It says Jabaco executables will run on any platform that supports Java, but aren't controls like Winsock on Windows only?

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