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Thursday, January 29th 2009, 7:49pm

Author: Manuel

SQLITE 3 support

SQLiteJDBC is a Java JDBC driver for SQLite. You should wait for the next Jabaco version. The current beta couldn't load this library.

Wednesday, January 28th 2009, 6:43pm

Author: Manuel


Quoted @Manuel: if you think this suits better into Tipps&Tricks you could move this thread if it is possible, OK? thanks This function should be moved to the framework. I would like to publish svn-access for the framework. But I'm not sure how to guarantee the quality for future changes...

Tuesday, January 27th 2009, 9:55pm

Author: Manuel

Connect to MySQL database

The recommended way from the MySQL-website is connecting to the MySQL-Server through JDBC with the Connector/J-driver. MySQL Connector/J is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the MySQL database. The installation of this driver is very simple: Download the driver and copy the included Jar-file (e.g. "mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.jar") to the "[...]\jre\lib\ext"-folder in your current Java-installation. The JDBC API is...

Monday, January 26th 2009, 9:06pm

Author: Manuel

Snap to grid

Quoted Or when I change the size of a tool it snap to the grid. I would like to change the size of that grid. I hope that explains my question better. Ok. You would like to change the raster-size in the GUI-editor? I'll make that possible for the next version. As workaround for the current version: select your control (e.g. your CommandButton) and change the width/height-property.

Monday, January 26th 2009, 8:41pm

Author: Manuel

Format function

Quoted s = "123.45678" s = Format(s, "###.0000") text1.Text = s text1.text shows => java.lang.Exception: No date found in "123.45678" This method is not implemented completely. You could wait for the changes or modify it in the Framework. You are also able to use some Java-functions for that, or if you would like to round a numeric value you could use the round-function.

Monday, January 26th 2009, 8:28pm

Author: Manuel

Snap to grid

Quoted My question is I would like to change the grid size or turn off snap to grid. Is that possible? I'm not sure if I understand it correctly: Turn off the autoresize (it's default, isn't it?) Jabaco Source 1 JBGrid1.AutoResize = jbAutoResizeOff Change the width at col: Jabaco Source 1 JBGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 100 Change the height at row: Jabaco Source 1 JBGrid1.RowHeight(0) = 120 ' change height at row 1

Saturday, January 24th 2009, 2:33pm

Author: Manuel

where is the jar-file?

Select "File => Make Project". And "Type => Jar-file" in the Save-Dialog.

Thursday, January 22nd 2009, 6:15pm

Author: Manuel

db2000 TXT2PDF

cool - is it possible to support mediawiki syntax?

Wednesday, January 21st 2009, 8:31pm

Author: Manuel

Dim A: A = Array("first", "second", "third")

Quoted Bei der Fehlersuche im Debugger hilft es mir, wenn ich sehe, was im Call Stack steht. Da finde ich VB6 vorbildlich. Auch die Überachungsausdrücke nutze ich oft, um beim Durchsteppen auf einen Blick diverse Variable und Ausdrücke verfolgen zu könne Sollst du kriegen. Vermutlich aber noch nicht in der nächsten Version. Quoted In der VB6-Dokumentation gibt es eine Liste der "trappable errors". Kannst Du sagen, welche Fehler in Jabaco "trappable" sind? Alle Exceptions:

Monday, January 19th 2009, 11:43pm

Author: Manuel

assigning, copying ud-type-variables

There was a bug with UDT's. Next version will fix that.

Monday, January 19th 2009, 12:00am

Author: Manuel


You should use "Me" in this case: Quoted Me.ContentFrame.Parent.setComponentZOrder Picture1, 0 Me.Refresh

Sunday, January 18th 2009, 10:50pm

Author: Manuel


Quoted what is to do, to implement this behaviour in Jabaco? Jabaco supports Java 1.4.2 - This features is implemented since Java 1.5. You can use that with this limitation. Sample for you: Jabaco Source 1 2 Form1.ContentFrame.Parent.setComponentZOrder Picture1, 0 Form1.Refresh

Sunday, January 18th 2009, 9:46pm

Author: Manuel

VB With not implemented?

Quoted Guess VB's With is not implemented (yet). I have implemented this feature for the next version. Quoted Is there some, at least partly, documentation? If not, I guess I'll be a regular here. By time this place will be like a cover_everything_how_to. In process...

Sunday, January 18th 2009, 7:52pm

Author: Manuel

Dim A: A = Array("first", "second", "third")

Quoted Wenn ich typsicher programmieren, komplexe Algorithmen mit verschachtelten Datenstrukturen in professioneller Qualität hervorbringen und pflegen will, sollte ich wohl doch eher Java, C++ oder C# nutzen. Ich habe bereits "Option Strict" für die nächste Version implementiert. In Zukunft ist das also kein Problem. Es ist bereits jetzt möglich komplexe Aufgaben zu lösen und in Zukunft wird das alles noch einfacher werden. Quoted Bei Erweiterungen von Jabaco wäre ich eher zurückhaltend und wü...

Sunday, January 18th 2009, 4:47pm

Author: Manuel

Dim A: A = Array("first", "second", "third")

Quoted vom OlimilO: Dim A As String() = {"first", "second", "third"} guter vorschlag. wird implementiert. Quoted von A1880: Für den allgemeinen Fall wäre eine Syntax nett, mit der man Type- und Array-Variablen initialisieren kann. Da habe ich aber auch nichts in Jabaco gefunden. jabaco ist flexibel und gute ideen werden auf jeden fall implementiert. wie stellst du dir die initialisierung einer udt-variable vor? btw. ich suche momentan nach einer guten roadmap / issue-tracking-software. bis jetz...

Sunday, January 18th 2009, 12:26am

Author: Manuel

CommandButton Backcolor

You mean the default Windows XP / Vista Theme? You could change the Java/Jabaco Look and Feel. Or switch your default theme to "Windows Classic".

Saturday, January 17th 2009, 12:04am

Author: Manuel

Control Arrays

Another Jabaco solution that should solve your problem: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Dim WithEvents myStateList As VBControlExtender(Me) Dim myStateItems() As PictureBox Public Sub Form_Load() Dim tmpStateItem As PictureBox Const maxX As Integer = 15 Const maxY As Integer = 10 Const offsetX As Integer = 10 Const offsetY As Integer = 10 Const itemWidth As Integer = 23 Const itemHeight As Integer ...

Friday, January 16th 2009, 12:36am

Author: Manuel

VB62Jabaco problem

Quoted frm_BedCalib.Show gives 'Expected: Static method' This function differs from vb6. You have to define your form. Sample: Jabaco Source 1 2 Dim myBedCalib As New frm_BedCalib

Thursday, January 15th 2009, 9:10pm

Author: Manuel

Jabaco expressions and operators

That was a good test. I'll implement the missing operators in a future version.

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