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Search results 81-88 of 88.

Wednesday, July 23rd 2014, 6:07am

Author: spysonic


Hello.. Is there a way to change the default title of the Msgbox? currently, when showing a msgbox the default title is "Jabaco". unlik ein vb6 msgbox title is dependent on the name of the proj. or exe.

Wednesday, July 23rd 2014, 4:13am

Author: spysonic

Is there a way to refer to a form at runtime?

Hello.. dont know if this is what you mean. Public Sub Text2_Change(ChangeType As ChangeType, ChangeEvt As DocumentEvent) If Text2.Text = "form1.text1.text" Then: MsgBox Me.Text1.Text End Sub It display on the message box the string entered in text1 after typing "form1.text1.text" in text2" sorry im a super beginner!

Wednesday, July 23rd 2014, 3:21am

Author: spysonic

Adding SQLITE as a Res file, possible or not?

Thanks for the reply Dani. What i mean by including my sqlite database as a Res file is simply putting my db file inside the Res folder. sorry.

Tuesday, July 22nd 2014, 10:56am

Author: spysonic

Adding SQLITE as a Res file, possible or not?

Hello everyone, I was experimenting SQLite a bit and tried to include my sqlite database as a RES file. all is well when running the application a simple login. but when i decided to make a .jar file it gives me an error. in creating an .exe of the same proj. well i have an exe file together with the RES folder so it can detect the database inside the RES folder. I just dont know whats happening inside the jar files. sorry for my ignorance. please help. TIA

Tuesday, July 22nd 2014, 9:36am

Author: spysonic

Scan/Detect all pictures in a folder?

hi everyone, This is my second time posting some weird questions in Jabaco forum. before anything else.. please 4give me f my english is not that good i cant seems to find any answers for detecting any pictures in a certain folder. I wanted to have a simple form with a combo box. Upon starting the application It would Detect all the picture inside the folder and display the names in the dropdown. is that possible.. please I need help.

Thursday, July 17th 2014, 3:36am

Author: spysonic


Thanks Dani.. and sorry i wasnt able to check it the last time i saw the other post because all your conversation there were german and Im not yet familiar with the langauge. but thank you so much for this great help .

Wednesday, July 16th 2014, 9:00am

Author: spysonic


Iv seen this post by dani Vorstellung Desi / Bauteildatenbank / das Jabaco-Projekt but I cant understand the language but i know it would've been a great help for me.

Wednesday, July 16th 2014, 8:53am

Author: spysonic


Hello everyone, Id like to ask for help in getting familiar with Jabaco in terms of Database manipulation or some basic database work-around. I wanted to create a simple login in Jabaco. 1. Textbox for username 2. Passwordfield for password 3. command button for enter Expected Result: 1. after pressing "enter button", Id want it to search on the database for an entry matching whatever entry I have in the Textbox AND password field and display a msgbox if it exist or not in the database. I dont k...

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