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Search results 61-65 of 65.

Monday, May 3rd 2010, 5:23am

Author: jayess

How it works

Well... as you can see.. there is alot going on here.. But I will try my best... To start off.. on the server portion of it all.. I am using EasyPHP 5.3.0... really only for the apache web server portion of it tho.. server is running Win XP SP3. I have Jabaco and MSVB 6.0 Enterprise installed. The server still is not converted to Jabaco.. as that is a whole new can of worms I have not yet opened up for several reasons. The 'server' has 3GB ram, and 2x 2.00GHZ for processor. Basically.. the clien...

Tuesday, April 20th 2010, 4:49am

Author: jayess

Change icon graphics in application

If your using the applet in a webpage, you can display an icon in the address bar and when it gets 'bookmarked' in the web browser at run time, by a line similar to this in your .htm file that loads up the .jar file. Thats the next best thing, that I have figured out yet at least. <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/myicon.ico"/> -Jason

Monday, April 19th 2010, 11:55pm

Author: jayess

ORPG in Jabaco-applet

Hi all, I have put together a multiplayer game I made awhile back in VB, now into Jabaco-applet form. I would like to share my sample with everybody as I feel it is a good to show how powerful Jabaco is vs VB. The sprites, tiles, and sounds I did not make (obviously)... however.. I wanted something classic to use in it for now. I also moved over the map editor for Jabaco-applet form. There is a daemon for the server, and its source still sits in VB6. There are also a few other utilities I made t...

Thursday, February 18th 2010, 12:05am

Author: jayess

Almost Bitblt

Hi guys, These work quite well for me... picDest.PaintPicture picSrc.Image,X1,Y2,OpCode OR picDest.PaintPicture picSrc.Image,X1,Y2,Width,Height,X2,Y2,Width2,Height2 This mimics Bitblt, and since its an built in 'function/method' in Jabaco, I would hope to assume its OS independent? Thanks, Jason

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