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Search results 461-480 of 500.

Saturday, February 28th 2009, 6:43pm

Author: A1880

ListIndex and ensureIndexIsVisible

Hi, you can do it as follows: Source code 1 2 List1.ListIndex = 1 List1.ensureIndexIsVisible 1 ListIndex() defines the selected listitem. ensureIndexIsVisible() srolls the list so that the addressed item is shown. To find out what is possible, you can always press the F1 key in the Jabaco IDE. This allows you to snoop around the object model. ListBox is shown under Jabaco.jar in VB. Doubleclick on the object to get to know all the methods and properties. Another option would be to download the s...

Friday, February 27th 2009, 10:36pm

Author: A1880

Deleting and item in a listbox

Hi, how about this? Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Public Sub Form_Load() List1.AddItem "now" List1.AddItem "is the time" List1.AddItem "for all good men ..." End Sub Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim lm As javax#swing#DefaultListModel If List1.ListIndex >= 0 Then lm = Cast(List1.Parent.getModel(), javax#swing#DefaultListModel) lm.removeElementAt(List1.ListIndex) End If End Sub ListBox should have a removeElementAt() method in the Jabaco framework. Happy experimenting! A1880

Friday, February 27th 2009, 12:54pm

Author: A1880

How to use static method?

Yes, you're right! My "solution" works without error. But the resulting string is always empty, which is not useful per se Sorry for this sloppy advice! A1880

Friday, February 27th 2009, 11:30am

Author: A1880

easy fix?

Hi, just replace the "." by a "#": msgbox com#sun#security#auth#module#NTSystem#getDomain() Cheers! A1880

Wednesday, February 25th 2009, 8:59pm

Author: A1880

Steuerelementefelder = Control Arrays

Hallo, auf Englisch findest Du dazu einiges hier. Gruß! A1880

Sunday, February 22nd 2009, 8:32pm

Author: A1880

EXE nur auf Intel/AMD-Kompatiblen Windows-Systemen

Hi, das sehe ich auch so. Ein normales Jabaco Exe-File referenziert die DLLs KERNEL32.DLL, USER32.DLL, ADVAPI32.DLL und SHELL32.DLL. Außerdem enthält es Binärcode, der nur auf 80x86-kompatiblen Windows-Rechnern ablauffähig ist. So ein Jabaco-Programm kopiert bei Aufruf ein Jar-Archiv in ein Temporärverzeichnis und startet das dann mit der Java-Laufzeitumgebung. So ein Java "RTE" muss also auch installiert sein. Um auf anderen Prozessoren abzulaufen, compiliert man demnach kein Exe- sondern ein J...

Sunday, February 22nd 2009, 1:45pm

Author: A1880

Zugriff auf selektierten ListBox-Eintrag

Mit folgendem Code klappt's bei mir: Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Public Sub Form_Load() Me.Refresh List1.AddItem "ene" List1.AddItem "mene" List1.AddItem "muh!" End Sub Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String s = List1.ListIndex & ": " & List1.List(List1.ListIndex) msgbox s End Sub ListIndex liefert "-1", falls nichts selektiert ist. Gruß! A1880

Sunday, February 22nd 2009, 1:06pm

Author: A1880

keine Forms in Applets?

Hi, vermutlich kann man keine Forms in Applets definieren. Applets können mit anderen Applets (auf der gleichen Seite im Brower) kommunizieren und deren Methoden aufrufen. Einen Überblick dazu findet man hier bzw hier. Wenn man aus einem Applet ein Unterformular aufruft, entspricht das ja im Browser einem Pop-up-Fenster. Applets haben eine Methode "ShowDocument()", mit der man neue Seiten aufrufen kann. Ich weiß allerdings nicht, wie man zwischen den Seiten kommuniziert. Viel Erfolg! A1880

Wednesday, February 18th 2009, 7:41pm

Author: A1880

Holder object in Jabaco

Here is an illustrative sample The Holder object as class clsHolder Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Option Explicit Private myValue As Integer Public Sub clsHolder() ' constructor for initialization myValue = -1 End Sub ' we are not using "properties". ' This is just a demo for Holder objects .... Public Function GetValue() As Integer GetValue = myValue End Function Public Sub SetValue(i As Integer) myValue = i End Sub And here the code which demonstrates usage of Hol...

Wednesday, February 18th 2009, 7:25pm

Author: A1880

NativeCall Holder Objects

Hi, if I understand it right, the "NativeCall" mechanism is able to handle input and output parameters. I looked at the original website of the inventor of NativeCall. Unfortunately, he does not mention output parameters in his samples. But in the source code I came across "Holder" objects. Such a Holder object acts as a data container to pass values back and forth between caller and callee. The caller passes the Holder object to the callee. The callee in turn can call setter methods of the Hold...

Tuesday, February 17th 2009, 3:29pm

Author: A1880

Output Parameters

Hi, yes, I also haven't succeeded with output parameters. see here "NativeCall" and WINAPI probably need some more thoughts and some testing. Due to Java's limitations (some would rather call it: "style") it is not directly possible to use output parameters. One way around would be to pass a container object as parameter and call its setter method from within the called routine. But this would obviously spoil the WINAPI syntax and would make WINAPI very much different from its VB6 predecessor, G...

Sunday, February 15th 2009, 11:15pm

Author: A1880

kein Beispiel bisher ...

Hi, leider kann ich kein Beispiel in Jabaco bieten. Ich habe das bisher nur in C++ gemacht und dazu Microsoft-Beispiele aus MSDN abgewandelt. Vielleicht hilft auch dieser Artikel. Hier ist eine Implementation in Java, die man vermutlich gut auf Jabaco portieren kann. Die Herausforderung bei Multi-Server bzw. Multi-Threaded Winsock besteht darin, dass man pro ankommendem TCP/IP-Request einen neuen Thread aufmacht. Insgesamt hat man also einen Haupt-Thread, der auf neue Anfragen wartet und pro akt...

Sunday, February 15th 2009, 7:05pm

Author: A1880

Output parameters and WINAPI

Hi all, I've tried to call an external DLL via WINAPI. This usually works quite well in Jabaco, but in my special case I encountered problems, because the call was supposed to pass back output parameters. My example: Source code 1 2 3 Private WINAPI Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _ (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, _ ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As Str...

Sunday, February 15th 2009, 1:14pm

Author: A1880

Lösung durch Class Overloading

Hi, ein ähnliches Problem hat man, wenn man mehrere gleichartige Controls in einer Form behandeln will. Eine Lösung ist, die Basisklasse durch eine abgeleitete Subklasse zu überschreiben und deren Eventhandler anzupassen. Wie das geht, steht unter diesem Link. Wenn es nur um eine kleine Zahl von Verbindungen geht, kann man pro Verbindung ein Winsock-Objekt anlegen, muss dann allerdings pro Objekt jeden Event-Handler (zumindest als Hülle) einzeln programmieren. Gruß! A1880

Saturday, February 14th 2009, 10:45pm

Author: A1880

Jar-Archiv von Applet signieren!

Hi, in die Falle bin ich auch schon getappt: Post zum Jarsigner Gruß! A1880

Wednesday, February 11th 2009, 1:35pm

Author: A1880

TypeOf function should return a string

I agree. If the TypeOf function works like a getClassName function and returns a "nothing" or some other predictable string value for empty objects, this should be just fine. A1880

Tuesday, February 10th 2009, 2:06pm

Author: A1880

TypeOf exception handling

Hi, VB6 TypoOf raises an error condition if nothing/null objects are interrograted for their type using the TypeOf operator. The same happens in your original implementation. My suggestion is to return "Nothing" as result of TypeOf(Nothing) and let the calling routine handle the situation. I am not sure what happens if you "exit function" without assigning a return value. Therefore I would promote an explicit assignment of a return value. Greetings! A1880

Sunday, February 8th 2009, 4:59pm

Author: A1880

TypeOf in case of null objects?

Hi, your implementation crashes in case of objects which are null or nothing. This is similar to the behaviour of VB6 TypeOf. Perhaps, it could make more sense to assume a "null" or "undefined" type for such objects. Greetings! A1880

Friday, February 6th 2009, 6:09pm

Author: A1880

java web browser?

Hi maXim, you could look for a java based web browser like Lobo and combine such a java framework with Jabaco. To integrate Microsoft Internet Explorer and Jabaco would require an ActiveX/COM bridge, which is not featured by Jabaco for the time being. I'd be sceptical that its going to be an easy undertaking, but I am definitely looking forward to enjoy your sample. Ciao A1880

Wednesday, February 4th 2009, 7:10pm

Author: A1880

Winapi sample

Hi, here is an example how to use Winapi. Cheers! A1880

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