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Monday, December 28th 2009, 11:22pm

Author: A1880

Jabaco CommandButton

Could you post an example of your code?

Monday, December 28th 2009, 11:04pm

Author: A1880


Hi, I've tried the following to answer you question: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Public Sub Form_Load() Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim rowIndex As Integer = 2 Dim columnIndex As Integer = 3 JBGrid1.Cols = 4 JBGrid1.Rows = 6 JBGrid1.SelectionMode = flexSelectionFree JBGrid1.Editable= jbEditOnClick For row = 0 To JBGrid1.Rows - 1 For col = 0 To JBGrid1.Cols - 1 JBGrid1.DataMatrix(row, col) = row & ";" & col JBGrid1.DataMatr...

Tuesday, December 22nd 2009, 10:56am

Author: A1880

Webseite Login abfrage mit applet möglich?

Hallo Micha, Dein "Login-Applet" müsste nach korrekter Angabe des Kennwortes ein http redirect auslösen. Das sollte möglich sein, ist aber offenbar nicht so einfach. Wenn Du das Forum nach "redirect" absuchst, findest Du einen Versuch. Nachteil Deiner Methode ist, dass jeder Dein Applet disassemblieren kann und so das Kennwort findet. Außerdem kannst Du ja auch nicht verhindern, dass jemand die ungeschützte Ziel-URL direkt anwählt. Üblicherweise wird die Login-Logik auf dem Web-Server und nicht ...

Tuesday, December 22nd 2009, 10:48am

Author: A1880

32Bit floating Point Calculator Problem

Hi, Jabaco has no built-in LSET command to byte-copy one UDT into another UDT. Jabaco usually copies variables just by assigning them (without SET). There is a Cast() function to map otherwise incompatible types, but this does not work for your example as Java simply refuses to do what you want. You might go on and dig this forum. Stefan Schnell invented a VarPtr library to do all sorts of fancy things with addresses of variables. Use "Option Explicit" as first line of your code to uncover unres...

Monday, December 21st 2009, 2:39pm

Author: A1880

Jabaco Gänsefüsschensyntax und Optional

Du bist offenbar auf eine Lücke gestoßen. Aber: Die multiplen "Optional" Parameter treiben einem Compiler-Bauer sicher den Schweiß auf die Stirn. Als Leser des verwendenden Quellcodes finde ich das auch eher verwirrend. Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob Jabaco die in VBA beliebten "named parameters" unterstützt, wo man beim Aufruf den Parameternamen explizit angibt. Das lässt sich Code schon besser lesen und nachvollziehen. Diverse boolean Parameter kann man natürlich auch als Summe von Einzelbi...

Sunday, December 20th 2009, 7:17pm

Author: A1880

Jabaco Gänsefüsschensyntax und Optional

Hallo, das mit den Gänsefüßchen ist eine der verbliebenen Macken in Jabaco. Man kann die doppelten Anführungsstriche als "Chr(34)" formulieren oder z.B. folgende Hilfsfunktion nutzen: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Public Function quote(s As String) As String quote = Chr(34) & s & Chr(34) End Function .... .... s = "Hello " & quote("Sailor") & "!" .... Optionale Parameter funktionieren in Jabaco wie in VB6. Oder hast Du ein Gegenbeispiel? Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Public Function quote...

Wednesday, December 2nd 2009, 8:54pm

Author: A1880

Portable Jabaco

Jabaco has (or had?) a licensing mechanism where a mail address together with a license code is stored in the Windows registry. There may be additional registry entries needed for the Java environment. It is a good idea to have Jabaco portable. I have to confess that I simply (robo)copy my project directory back and forth between my work and home PC. But for a school it certainly would be nice to have everything on a memory stick. Could you explain a bit more in detail what difficulties you have...

Sunday, November 29th 2009, 2:29pm

Author: A1880

Anchor A Button?

What do you mean by "anchor a button"? Docking the button to some parent control? The Control.Anchor property known from .Net is not supported by the Jabaco framework. For the time being, you have to implement your own resize logic. Greetings A1880

Tuesday, November 10th 2009, 4:47pm

Author: A1880

Set string lengths

Hi, hex constants have to be entered via a workaround (for the time being). See here. "1 or 2" will yield "3". The "or" is implemented as bitwise or as it is the case in VB6. Strings of a specific length can be defined as follows: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Option Explicit Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String = Space(255) Debug.Print Len(s) End Sub Calling DLLs is a bit tricky in Jabaco. Dig this forum for WINAPI to get to know details. Greetings! A1880

Tuesday, November 10th 2009, 9:30am

Author: A1880

Hi, please look here to find additional hints on showing forms. If you need help with your sample, your should post more details. OK? Cheers A1880

Monday, November 2nd 2009, 7:27am

Author: A1880

jabaco error...

Hi, there seems to be a mix of Javas on your system. Your last log mentioned 1.5, your first did mention 1.6. Make sure that everything is compiled and executed under the same Java. Greetings A1880

Sunday, November 1st 2009, 2:23pm

Author: A1880

jabaco error...

Hi, I guess that Jabaco does not "see" your latest Java but an older installation which still exists somewhere on your PC. Try to start the Java administration under Windows system control. Which Javas do you see there? Could it be that environment variable JAVA_HOME and/or some entries in your PATH environment variable are still pointing to an elder Java environment? From your logiles, there is no JAVA_HOME definition and no Java in the PATH either. I've noticed that your Windows direc...

Friday, October 30th 2009, 11:01am

Author: A1880

jabaco error...

Do you get this error for "F6" only? Or does it also happen after pressing "F5"? Greetings A1880

Thursday, October 29th 2009, 7:08pm

Author: A1880

Tool for hex/dec/bin conversion demonstrates events

Hi, here is a small tool which demonstrates event handlers in Jabaco. In contrast to VB6 events, Jabaco/swing events behave a bit differently. One big difference is that changes in the control do spawn an event regardless if they come from user interaction or from program execution. Therefore, one has to take care to prevent events triggered from within an event handler. In simple cases this can be achieved by a global boolean flag which indicates that an event handler is executing. This is demo...

Thursday, October 29th 2009, 2:16pm

Author: A1880

jabaco error...

Hi, that (potential Vista incompatibilities) could be the root cause. I've forgotten to mention that both of my systems are still on XP. Cheers A1880

Thursday, October 29th 2009, 12:30pm

Author: A1880

jabaco error...

Hi, I have no idea what your problem could possibly be. It looks like a problem between IDE and JVM. The remote debugging connection is not established in time. I've tried your project on two separate systems with JDK and Both are working fine. To get one step further you could stop all suspicious Java-related processes on your system. It might also help to try your system dis-connected from any network to rule-out network problems. Good luck! A1880

Wednesday, October 28th 2009, 2:31pm

Author: A1880


OK, there is obviously "nichts neues auf der Erde". All I wanted to say and demonstrate is that it is relatively easy to make VBVariant mutable and use it without compiler changes or syntactic complications. Greetings A1880

Wednesday, October 28th 2009, 10:24am

Author: A1880


Hi, a mutable holder object class would be something like: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Option Explicit Private myIVal As Integer Public Property Get iVal() As Integer iVal = myIVal End Property Public Property Let iVal(i As Integer) myIVal = i End Property A small test: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim h As New Holder h.iVal = 1 Debug.Print h.iVal Call mySub(h) Debug.Print h.iVal End Sub Private Sub mySub(h As Holder) h.iVal = h.iVal ...

Monday, October 26th 2009, 2:16pm

Author: A1880


Hi, a possible solution would be a Variant wrapper written in jbc rather than in Java. The wrapper could have let/get properties to change the internal value. This would not require any compiler changes. Greetings A1880

Monday, October 26th 2009, 1:32pm

Author: A1880


Wouldn't it be enough to implement a public "setVal()" method for VBA#Variant? This should allow the usage of "Variant()" as holder object for value changes propagated back from the inner of a function. Another option would be a user-defined class where the function can change the internal value. Greetings A1880

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