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Wednesday, May 5th 2010, 5:10pm

Author: A1880

Applet for uploading files

Postlet comes as a compiled Jar file. The source is only accesible via decompilation which might violate licence terms. It should be possible to put this Jar file in a Jabaco project and re-use certain if not all parts of it. Another option would be to combine a Jabaco applet and the postlet applet on the same HTML page. Postlet itself is fairly complex. It uses mutli-threading, Java swing and all sorts of advanced tricks. To dig into it, you have to be quite a Java connaisseur. Greetings A1880

Wednesday, May 5th 2010, 4:56pm

Author: A1880

GDI32, USER32 - only for Wndows ?

Here I proudly present my solution: Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 Option Explicit Private Sub drawAll Dim mx As Integer Dim my As Integer Dim r As Integer D...

Wednesday, May 5th 2010, 10:17am

Author: A1880

GDI32, USER32 - only for Wndows ?

This should be possible, but it takes a bit of reading, thinking, calculating and experimenting. Jabaco's PictureBox exposes a "Graphics2D" context with lots of drawing methods. Please consult the Java API description. A combination of drawArc(), fillArc(), drawPolygon() and fillPolygon() should do the job. If you are moving the focus within the triangle between the three section points, you only have to redraw three filled triangles. If the focus is leaving the inner triangle, you have to redra...

Wednesday, May 5th 2010, 8:47am

Author: A1880

GDI32, USER32 - only for Wndows ?

Without looking at your code I cannot fully comprehend your problem. The were some posts about Circles. Probably they inspire you. Greetings A1880

Tuesday, May 4th 2010, 7:33pm

Author: A1880

GDI32, USER32 - only for Wndows ?

The Jabaco framework is heavily based on Java Swing, a library for graphical user interfaces. You can find an example of doing graphics in Jabaco here Swing is also used for handling Windows. Therefore, direct calls to User32.dll are not really helpful in Jabaco applications. The good news is that you can use almost any conceivable Java graphics library in Jabaco. A sample of using "Processing" was posted here. Personally, I very much dislike using Swing directly. It tends to complicate matters ...

Tuesday, May 4th 2010, 4:04pm

Author: A1880

GDI32, USER32 - only for Wndows ?

WINAPI references to GDI32 and USER32 will bind your application to Windows. The Jabaco IDE itself is only runnable under Windows. The compiled Jar files can be run under other operating systems unless the call platform specific APIs. A Java environment has to be installed. Greetings A1880

Friday, April 30th 2010, 11:38am

Author: A1880

Open Existing Project

External Jar files are not recognized by Jabaco unless you define them explicitely via "F1" to be part of the project. As soon as you do that, the Jar file gets written into the *.jba project file. To look at that file, you can make a copy and add ".xml" as extension (e.g. myproject.jba.xml). This allows you to open the file in your Internet Explorer. Notepad or another text editor would not be a good idea, because the lines in the file are quite long. The Jar entries look as follows: <ClassPath...

Friday, April 30th 2010, 9:06am

Author: A1880

Open Existing Project

You are right. The IDE's working directory depends on the way you start it up. You could use a shortcut from your Windows Desktop to your project.jba file to avoid the navigation. Another option might be to use project-specific shortcuts to start Jabaco.exe with a defined startup directory. From within the IDE you can always open the project's temporary working directory via menu "Project/Open working directory". Why is it important for you to run the IDE in the project directory? Greetings A188...

Friday, April 23rd 2010, 2:03pm

Author: A1880

EXE won't run

The Exe is just a self-extracting Jar archive which unpacks itself in %TEMP% and then executes "java -jar xyz.jar". To pin down the problem you could compile your project into a Jar file rather than in an exe file. Select filetype "Jar File" in the "File/Make Project" dialog. If the resulting Jar file is runnable, the problem is due to the unpacking step. You could rename the Jar into and unpack the contents to look at the Manifest file. Have you changes something in your Module1? Your "...

Thursday, April 22nd 2010, 8:50am

Author: A1880


Die offizielle Dokumentation findet sich online beim Microsoft Developers Network MSDN. Aber es gibt auch zahlreiche Internetseiten, die darüber Informationen anbieten. Ich suche in Google jeweils nach "VB6" + Stichwort. Man muss etwas aufpassen, da viele Fundstellen sich auf VB.Net beziehen. Bei der Installation von VB6 bekam man als Käufer eine CD "MSDN Library - July 2000". Sie liefert über 1 GB compilierte Helpdateien *.CHM mit allen Aspekten von Visual Studio 6 und VB6. Vielleicht gibt es d...

Wednesday, April 21st 2010, 6:57pm

Author: A1880


Zum Beispiel hier oder bei Gruß! A1880

Sunday, April 18th 2010, 12:36pm

Author: A1880

Handling of TAB characters in Jabaco source code

When entering text in the Jabaco IDE, TABs are converted to blanks. This ensures that lines can be properly indented. However, as soon as you copy externally edited text snippets which include TAB characters, the Jabaco IDE editor no longer converts these TABs into blanks. It becomes quite cumbersome to achieve decent indentation. Workaround: Make sure to "de-TAB" your texts before you copy them into tha Jabaco IDE. There might be suitable "VB6 beautifier" tools available somewhere in the net. S...

Saturday, April 17th 2010, 10:31pm

Author: A1880

Change icon graphics in application

The top-left icon should be a property of the main Form ("Form1") started in Module1. I've played with it but without luck yet. Greetings A1880

Saturday, April 17th 2010, 8:14pm

Author: A1880

Travelling Salesman Sample (Graphics, Java Access, Events, Inheritance, ...)

Hi all, here comes a sample ported from a Java applet to Jabaco. Thanks to Prof. Grothmann who wrote the original! The sample is a demo to play around with the well-known Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). It looks as if my ported version is a bit slower than the Java version. Volunteers are invited to find out what slows it down. But the overall speed and appearance is quite OK. Enjoy! A1880

Saturday, April 17th 2010, 1:09pm

Author: A1880

Communicating between forms and with the internet in Jabaco

Lots of questions! The following ideas come to my mind: 1. You could use Jabaco's multi-threading capability to test the clients in parallel rather than sequentially. this would reduce the overall time. Be warned: multi-threading is not for the faint-hearted ... 2. It is probably possible to issue a ping by using a Java API. Jabaco Source 1 2 3 String host = "" int timeOut = 3000; // 3 seconds at least int timeout = 3000; boolean status = InetAddress.getByName(host).isReachable(timeOut...

Friday, April 16th 2010, 9:02pm

Author: A1880

Arrays of controls are feasible

Arrays of controls are feasible in Jabaco but a bit different compared to VB6. Look here for an example. Greetings! A1880

Friday, April 16th 2010, 3:52pm

Author: A1880

Enterkey behaviour

Hi, you could invent your own TextBox control as a derivative of the original TextBox with the intended behaviour. In Jabaco you have several options to do that: - Write a "UserControl" as part of your project (this is probably the easiest way for a start; user controls are quick to design, test and change) - Change the existing TextBox implementation by adding a property or extend the Jabaco framework by a derived TextBox (look a the source of TextBox.jsrc and write a Jabaco sub-class) - Write ...

Friday, April 16th 2010, 2:06pm

Author: A1880

Enterkey behaviour

Grüß Gott Gerhard! the following sample demonstrates how to intercept the Enter key and jump forth and back between TextBox controls. Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Option Explicit Public Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Public Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) trace "Text1_KeyDown " & KeyCode & ";" & Shift End Sub Public Sub ...

Thursday, April 15th 2010, 3:28pm

Author: A1880

JTable example with sort

Just write "javax#swing#table#DefaultTableModel" or add an import statement to the header of your source. Class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel is included in rt.jar of your Java 1.6 environment. So, rt.jar has to be in the classpath of your project. Use "F1" to check that. Cheers A1880

Thursday, April 15th 2010, 3:23pm

Author: A1880

Communicating between forms and with the internet in Jabaco

Try to implement this in Jabaco. There must be loads of similar Java snippets in the cellars of Google. You could modify my sample from Wednesday and leave the receive loop after the first line of HTML. The problem is that you need some sort of timeout or exception which makes it a bit complicated. Another way might be to shell out, call your OS ping and intercept its results. Please post your findings here. Success! A1880

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