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Sunday, January 17th 2010, 6:17pm

Author: Mico

EXEs don't work...

Thank a lot, A1880! I added a JAVA_HOME entry pointing to my \bin folder in the latest Java installation (c:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin) and that allowed launching .jar files. I tried the "java -jar myProject.exe.jar" trick and it worked, but just clicking myProject.exe.jar (after renaming to .jar) also worked. BTW, in case I select the compile-to-jar option, I always get an .exe file instead, I also tried to add c:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin to my path, but that didn't help to run the MyProje...

Sunday, January 17th 2010, 10:33am

Author: Mico

EXEs don't work...

I'm replying to myself: reinstalling didn't help...

Sunday, January 17th 2010, 12:26am

Author: Mico

EXEs don't work...

Hi Riaan! Yes. I have version 6 (build 1.6.0_17-b04), and I never noticed something wrong with java. When I compile a very simple SDI application (1 form, 1 button, 1 label that changes when I press the button), which perfectly runs in the IDE, I an EXE, but it just doesn't work. If I open the task manager, I can't see a process starting and then exiting. It just doesn't start. BTW, compiling to a JAR file produces an output file which is identical to the EXE in size (and it also has the same .e...

Saturday, January 16th 2010, 3:37pm

Author: Mico

EXEs don't work...

Hi everybody, this is my first post and, obviously, it's about a problem. I have some very simple code that is working perfectly in the IDE, but, after compiling to an EXE, I can find the EXE, but it doesn't work. It seems it doesn't even try to run. Any hints? Thanks evrybody, and all the best, Michele

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