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Friday, August 20th 2010, 6:56am

Author: klctal

menubar creator

I have created a small menucreator that creates the jabaco source. It has a VB6 Like interface. There are some small problems but it is pretty good

Thursday, October 15th 2009, 12:13pm

Author: klctal

properties problem

(see pic) I first selected the Project's properties. then i selected a command button's property The combo above shows nothing

Saturday, October 3rd 2009, 11:55am

Author: klctal

Compile error infinite loop

Scripting stuff? Here: Function ListFilesPriv(ByVal fld As Scripting.Folder, _ ByVal NestedDirs As Boolean) As String

Saturday, October 3rd 2009, 7:59am

Author: klctal

RE: Language mix

Quoted from "StefanSchnell" Hello Manuel, hello community, one suggestion for one of the next generation of Jabaco: It should be possible to mix Jabaco VB like language and Java code anyway you want. Maybe it could be start with the command Java Begin and end with Java End, and all the code between this commands are native Java. What do you think about this possibility? Cheers Stefan this wont work. some people only know VB

Thursday, October 1st 2009, 9:07am

Author: klctal

EXE description and company


Wednesday, September 30th 2009, 3:25am

Author: klctal

EXE description and company

This: java version "1.6.0_15" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_15-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

Sunday, September 27th 2009, 12:00pm

Author: klctal

EXE description and company

I'm getting this error: It says (running the EXE compiled) A newer edition of Java is required... ... But i already have the lates edition

Wednesday, September 23rd 2009, 9:27am

Author: klctal

EXE description and company

the EXE compiled company is "", which doesn't exsit... also the description is "Jabaco Application" could the compiler change it? *** u dont have to do this Manuel

Wednesday, September 23rd 2009, 9:19am

Author: klctal

Put Jabaco on Yotube

OMG a virus????? thats... ... bad! i dont like... ...

Wednesday, September 23rd 2009, 9:15am

Author: klctal

UPDATE: Framework 1.2

c'mon. dont command! we can make a webbrowser now. WebBrowser

Wednesday, September 23rd 2009, 9:11am

Author: klctal

Aditional famfam Silk like icons

Wow nice but they all look same and its cool!

Tuesday, September 22nd 2009, 10:45am

Author: klctal

Terminate execution

Quoted unfortunately "Unload Me" doesn't work: if you execute the application in the IDE, you'll see the form disappear but the app still run. you'll have to setdefaultclose: Jabaco Source 1 Me.SetDefaultClose or in module Jabaco Source 1 Form1.SetDefaultClose

Tuesday, September 22nd 2009, 10:36am

Author: klctal


Wow thats a nice example To prevent editing, we can also set the locked property to "True" Scripts dont always work. maybe thats a limitation of the richtextbox. We can also add the protocol: some people forget it. In command1_click, we might add Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 If Left$(Text1.Text,7)<>"http://" OR Left$(Text1.Text,7)<>"HTTP://" Then 'add "HTTP://" Dim Add As String Add=Text1.Text Text1.Text="http://" + Add End If we add it so no errors occur P.S. I havent tested it yet :p :p

Monday, September 21st 2009, 10:41am

Author: klctal


Quoted So Manuel decided to prefer the control that looks more like the original CommonDialog-control because the java#awt#Filedialog is based on the windows-intrinsic comdlg32.dll-control. The to dialogs look the same... ...

Sunday, September 20th 2009, 12:35pm

Author: klctal


The commondialog.filter doesnt work. Its always set to "All Files(*.*)|*.*". How do i set it like this?

Sunday, September 20th 2009, 9:32am

Author: klctal


Yes, it's me again In Jabaco, FileCopy is like this: fileCopy(Index1,Index2......) It keeps on poping up Index... So is this the same to VB6?

Sunday, September 20th 2009, 7:03am

Author: klctal

Conversion from VB6 To Jabaco

Hmmm... Is there a "ColumnHeader" class? Maybe it's impossible??? Theres lots of windows functions, soo it may not be cross platform...

Friday, September 18th 2009, 8:44am

Author: klctal

Core themes for further developments

There is already a radio box and check box. For web browser... Maybe download HTML file then open it with a label (label can read HTML)

Wednesday, September 16th 2009, 9:34am

Author: klctal

Substance skins with Jabaco

I got the same thing: 20 + controls and it doesn't work, the refresh also doesn't work. With 20+ you refresh it or drag something on it, it works. If it can refresh, it would be good. also, the 20 + controls might be 20 + same controls or usercontrols

Sunday, September 13th 2009, 8:15am

Author: klctal

Path to executable?

Quoted I'd like to know the path to open a configuration file in the same directory. Why don't you just open it like this: Jabaco Source 1 Dim file as vbfilehandler = open "yourfile" Just open "yourfile" and it's okay. No need of EXEName. And App.Path works To open it (second way) do this: Jabaco Source 1 Dim file2 as vbfilehandler = open app.path + "" + "yourfile"

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