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Thursday, December 27th 2012, 2:57am

Author: poetfreak

SQL JDBC example...

Hello??? 6 months and still no answer or database example on DataBase Object, MySQL, or JDBC use in Jabaco. Search reveals only this thread, and Documentation mentions the Database object, and it's properties and methods, but "guessing" sane values is, well, impossible. I was going to build a simple address book using my existing wampstack just to get the swing of things, but I could otherwise use about any other database driver, if I know how to make that object talk to it.

Wednesday, December 5th 2012, 3:43am

Author: poetfreak

RegEx regular expressions function...

I feel like i am right on the cusp on getting how you do the non "basic" part of this. I knew how to do API calls and whatnot back in my VB days, but have been doing php mostly for a while (web design). So to brush up, I was going to make a css compressor from this code: function compress($css){ // Remove comments $css = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $css); // Remove spaces before and after symbols $css = preg_replace('/(\s(?=\W))|((?<=\W)\s)/', '', $css); // Remove remaining...

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