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Tuesday, October 18th 2016, 2:20pm

Author: Manuel

Is the Forum hacked ?

Not hacked but the message-system was used for spam from a botnet. Sorry for that but I thought captchas could protect us from automatic mailing systems. I disabled the message system. It's possible to delete the account: Edit Profile => User Account => Delete

Wednesday, May 18th 2016, 11:37am

Author: Manuel

Jabaco lifetime

The PHP Bug is fixed now. Sorry for that ...

Thursday, July 16th 2015, 2:41pm

Author: Manuel

Just Like Microsoft

Jabaco is closed source for commercial reasons. I can't continue it for the next time but I will as promised.

Tuesday, July 15th 2014, 11:50am

Author: Manuel

Jabaco Reverse-engineer (question/request herein)

Hello, Quoted Yes. And in 1.5 months Jabaco 1.5.2 celebrates its 5th birthday. Time went by much too fast It is strange that there was no time during the last years but I still think that I've more time in future. Quoted To load VB6 projects and to be 100% VB6 compatible is more and more unimportant, because with the time, there are lesser and lesser people, who still developing VB6. The most are moved to and C#. Could be right but remember that there are several people with VB6-skills. V...

Thursday, February 13th 2014, 6:14pm

Author: Manuel

Something is happening

Very attentive. I updated the community software to get some spam-protection features. To minimize the disappointment: currently I'm testing some things for the further development.

Tuesday, October 23rd 2012, 9:05pm

Author: Manuel

Project dead or alive?

As soon as I've more time I'll continue the work.

Wednesday, April 18th 2012, 7:37pm

Author: Manuel

Jabaco -> Netbeans, Eclipse oder andere IDE

Quoted Es war sein Hobby. War? Der Jabaco-Compiler wird (voraussichtlich) noch dieses Jahr weiterentwickelt. Das Jabaco Framework bietet viel Potential für Verbesserungen. Wer an dem Framework arbeiten möchte, der kann das jederzeit tun. Hobby? Es gehört nicht gerade zu meinen Lieblingsbeschäftigungen an einem Compiler zu arbeiten. Das Jabaco zukünftig mindestens die Selbstkosten decken soll hatte ich ja bereits geschrieben. Quoted Er hat ja während des Programmierens schon seinen Spaß gehabt. ...

Thursday, November 24th 2011, 11:37pm

Author: Manuel

Java backward compatibility??

Quoted It may be an odd question, but I'm wondering for how long will programs made in Jabaco work. As long as the Java VM will support Java Bytecode. There is no end in sight. Quoted Seems Jabaco is not being updated much anymore, Quoted but I'm wondering if there could eventually be incompatibilities with new versions of Java that well nobody would be around to fix? The base for your development is the underlying framework and this part is ve...

Thursday, May 5th 2011, 11:11am

Author: Manuel

Can be parts of Mono Basic used for Jabaco framework?

Sounds good to me. I'll support the syntax (shared, return) to reduce the effort.

Sunday, August 8th 2010, 11:23pm

Author: Manuel

re:New version

> Any idea of when we can expect a new version? I can't say exactly (between 2011 and 2012). It's an exceptional situation at the moment - the next release periods are shorter. > Is this project still alive? Yes. There are several interesting features in planning. > Do you have a Roadmap and Priority list for this project? Not yet.

Monday, July 5th 2010, 8:59pm

Author: Manuel

Jabaco does not install on Wine.

i've tested wine several month ago: sh winetricks corefonts vcrun6 vcrun2003 wine jabaco-setup-win32.exe jabaco will start with this configuration. it's possible to open a new project, etc. but there are several other problems. the project is still beta and there are several other tasks to finish.

Monday, June 21st 2010, 2:30am

Author: Manuel

New Version

i'm working on the next version and i'll reconcentrate on this project in near future. the next version will improve the design editor and things like that. suggestions and reports are very welcome in the community.

Sunday, April 11th 2010, 5:43pm

Author: Manuel

James Gosling leaves Oracle

Really sad and a symbolic loss for Oracle. James Gosling wrote "anything I could say that would be accurate and honest would do more harm than good". I'm little confused about this statement. Many qualified and loyal developers left Sun/Oracle. I hope most of them decided emotional or for personal reasons. I hope that Oracle will learn very fast to handle this takeover. We shouldn't underestimate the financial potential of Oracle and the possible future of Java.

Sunday, February 7th 2010, 9:51pm

Author: Manuel

Startup problem

Quoted Compilation no problem; at execution, program hangs infinitely after the message Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 1234 I have to kill by ctrl/C. the software is waiting for a debugger like jabaco. don't kill it. repeat this step and start jabaco with the mentioned settings. jabaco will connect to the terminal and start the application. Quoted I join the full register tree under ...\JavaSoft\; the current version is JR6 which is coherent with the program files folder. For upl...

Saturday, January 30th 2010, 12:08am

Author: Manuel

Startup problem

Excuse my late response and thanks to A1880 for his deeply commitment. The process is terminated during the debug-process and runs well without the debugger-connection. There are two possible sources of error. - the jdwp-connection try to change the debug-type in the project-settings to "remote" and let us know if that works. another thing you can try is: compile quicksort to quicksort.jarstart the software in your terminal with jdwp: java -cp Quicksort.jar -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y...

Friday, December 4th 2009, 12:04am

Author: Manuel

Portable Jabaco

Quoted has opened up to freeware applications as well. They have produced a standardized format for portable application structure that mimics much of the Windows structure. For that reason, I wondered if it was possible to make Jabaco into a portable application. This would enable me to teach my students with a programming IDE that they can take home with them and work on in class. I would support PortableApps to create a portable version if they need any help. But I can't do ...

Tuesday, November 24th 2009, 11:04pm

Author: Manuel

Verschiedene Probleme und Lösungen

Quoted Ist ja schon ein Weilchen her, dass Funny den Thread eröffnet hat, aber vieleicht liest ja doch nochmal jemand rein. Das Suchen und Ersetzen in markiertem Code funktioniert leider nicht! Wird behoben. Quoted Mein Leben wär grad leichter wenn es hier nen Bugfix gäbe Strange Zeit im Moment ... es wird aber schon bald eine Bugfix-Version geben.

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