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Wednesday, October 19th 2016, 7:53pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Is the Forum hacked ?

Thanks for the swift reply. I am going to delete account for now. But will lurk for news now and then, good luck with jabaco it's still one of best out there. See u Schnitzelbrain EDIT: No DELETE found in my account edit ? Any help avail ?

Monday, October 17th 2016, 6:09pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Is the Forum hacked ?

I recieved massive spam mails on my jabaco mail address. The first mail came from 157 mails since 26.september. It also used my forum name. Seems like the forum or the database behind was hacked. Or maybe the mail account from jabaco itself. Could someone clear this up? Second question how do i erase my account here? i mean fully erase?

Saturday, September 17th 2011, 8:49am

Author: schnitzelbrain

Progress Bar

Hallo, danke für deine mühe. Hab ich das richtig verstanden, wenn ich die Klasse anlege wie von dir als kompilerfreundlich gepostet. Dann sollte es funktionieren? Immo hab ich mein Projekt erst mal auf Real Basic umgestellt. Dort hab ich zwar erst mal keine Möglichkeit direkt alle Plattformen zu unterstützen(Personal Edition) aber dafür einige Probleme weniger(JBGrid ist in Jabaco auch noch sehr rudimär). Ich behalte Jabaco aber weiter im Auge.

Sunday, September 11th 2011, 4:31pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Progress Bar

Quoted Oder ein Label einbauen, das wärend alles abläuft einen Text anzeigt wie "Bitte warten ...". Das hatte ich Versucht, der Text wird nicht angezeigt Erst wenn mein Button5_click rum ist erscheint das "Done" im Textfeld Gleiches mit einem Label mit Label1.Enabled = True wird es bei Click auf den Button nicht Sichtbar. Gibt es Irgendwas bekanntes (ich weis es kann bestimmt viel geben) das ein regelmäßigen Refresh von den Textfeldern/Labels usw verhindert? Ich meine ein java include oder eine...

Sunday, September 11th 2011, 12:19pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Progress Bar

Ok, super. Danke für die Info. Habs kapiert. Leider kann ich dann den Vorgang für mein Projekt nicht gebrauchen. Da der refresh von den Feldern (und vom Bar) erst kommt wenn der Button_click oder der Timer_click abgearbeitet ist. Mein "Tue Irgendwas" sind ein paar geschachtelte schleifen die zwischendrin eigentlich Werte(Fortschritt) anzeigen sollten. Das haut leider aus bekannten Gründen nicht hin. Gibt es wenigstens eine Möglichkeit eine "Busy" Anzeige einzubauen, also: Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6...

Saturday, September 10th 2011, 9:04am

Author: schnitzelbrain

Progress Bar

Danke erst mal für die Antwort. Das mit dem Timer hatte ich schon so verstanden, das Problem ist das es aber so nicht funktioniert Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Public Sub Timer1_Timer() ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value +1 End Sub Public Sub Command1_Click() Timer1.Enabled=True Timer1.Interval=1 ProgressBar1.PaintString=True For I = 1 to 10000000 'Tue irgendwas next i End Sub Public Sub Command2_Click() Timer1.Enabled=False End Sub Public Sub Command3_C...

Friday, September 9th 2011, 12:38pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Progress Bar

Ok, noch ein Schritt weiter. Timer aus der IDE eingebaut Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Public Sub Command1_Click() Timer1.enabled = true For I = 1 To 100 ' Hier läuft mein Program code weiter mit einigen Berechnungen und For/next Schleifen Next i Timer1.enabled = false End Sub Public Sub Timer1_Timer() ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1 end sub Trotzdem Passiert nix, sobald die For/next gestartet sind. Im Endeffekt sieht man den ProgressBar am ende vom Sub von 0 auf 100% geh...

Thursday, September 8th 2011, 9:40pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Progress Bar

Hi, mal wieder eine Frage Wenn ich den Progressbar aus der IDE benutzen will. Wie bekomme ich das Teil dazu sich in einer schleife langsam zu füllen? Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Public Sub Command1_Click() For I = 1 To 100 ProgressBar1.Value = I ' und zum Warten For t = 1 To 1000000 Next t Next i End Sub Das Sample funktioniert schon mal nicht. es scheint in einer Schleife kein Refresh vom Bar zu geben. ProgressBar1.refresh hat es auch nicht gebracht. Ok, ich rausgefunden das in dem FrameworkTes...

Monday, January 31st 2011, 10:30am

Author: schnitzelbrain

No blinking cursor in textbox

Nice that my thoughts helped you. As an interim solution I use the following code, it sets each used Text field to the defined color white. (Also @A1880) Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Public Sub Applet_Init() Dim wt As Long = RGB(255, 255, 255) Text1.BackColor = wt Text2.BackColor = wt Text3.BackColor = wt End Sub After this, caret works perfekt.

Sunday, January 30th 2011, 5:44pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

No blinking cursor in textbox

Quoted Public Property Let BackColor(v As Long) Parent.setBackground(RGBtoColor(v)) Base.setBackground(Parent.getBackground()) Parent.setCaretColor(RGBtoColor(NotRGB(v))) End Property The line is in the BackColor Property. I have the same issue in my program but if I set the BackColor of the textfield while the program runs, the caret is perfekt afterwards. I dunno if changing the lines as suggested will solve the problem as it uses the same information at the same point as the not working one....

Sunday, January 30th 2011, 12:18am

Author: schnitzelbrain

manually download the Jabaco-framework

Quoted from "scGuy" I had never noticed that option under the "?" menu--thanks! Unfortunately it does look as though it will download one of the 200k versions at present. Quoted Quoted from "theuserbl" First you need the latest Jabaco.jar: It is from the 14.1.20111. If you still don't have it, then download it and replace your Jabaco.jar in your Jabaco-directory with it. theuserbl gave me the link, in another Thread, for the latest Jab...

Friday, January 28th 2011, 3:44am

Author: schnitzelbrain

Frameworktest JAR as source?

Quoted from "theuserbl" First you need the latest Jabaco.jar: It is from the 14.1.20111. If you still don't have it, then download it and replace your Jabaco.jar in your Jabaco-directory with it. Then here is the Jabaco-Source:… Run in the VB-directory the project FrameworkTest.jba . Important: Don't go too fast. Load at first the project in the IDE. Then wait, until you can move ...

Thursday, January 27th 2011, 3:46pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Frameworktest JAR as source?

cool thanks, not as much as the other but still enough to learn Thanks

Thursday, January 27th 2011, 1:34pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Frameworktest JAR as source?

I saw this already, but when I run the Test Jar its a nice dokument with all the features usable included. In different Tabs and Topics. It seems more like a written program as just a callup of the routines. There have to be some inits too, correct? Or do I mistaken the Test.jar? I took this…rkTest.jar.html file from theuserbl. That sourcecode is what i am looking for, it does not look like just callup of the routines

Thursday, January 27th 2011, 12:26pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Frameworktest JAR as source?

Hi, is it possible to get the Frameworktest.jar as source code so I can see how things are done. It is a pretty nice overview about the features of Jabaco/VB/Java, whatever. Looked but did not find the source in the framework google pages itself only the jar file. Thanks

Wednesday, January 26th 2011, 10:36am

Author: schnitzelbrain

Change color of right-click menu

OK, I just send the app to someone with an XP machine. Let u know the results. I also work under admin rights in win 7 but it still has some nogos which need admin. UPDATE BINGO found it: Running Jabaco under win 7 - XP compatible mode gives me white backgnd during testing in Jacabo IDE Running an exe gives me black backgnd. Running the exe then in XP compatible Mode gives me white backgnd. For an applet there is no chance to run it with white backgnd so far, when u are in vista or win 7. Compil...

Wednesday, January 26th 2011, 8:52am

Author: schnitzelbrain

Change color of right-click menu

Hi, EXE (SDI) does the same. Also tried under: WIN 7 64Bit Vista 32Bit same result, tomorrow I'll try on XP Thanks, so far Edit: Also tried reinstall, same result. Question, this Install is bind to C: correct? Is there a way to change this? A1880, u work under XP? Maybe its a problem with user rights during compiling?

Tuesday, January 25th 2011, 7:05pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Change color of right-click menu

Hi, I am using Win 7 32bit IDE/Version 1.5.2 I would upload the made applet but filesize will not let me. Edit: Used also Framework JAR 07.10.09 and 21.10.10 no change index.php?page=Attachment&attachmentID=260

Tuesday, January 25th 2011, 1:33pm

Author: schnitzelbrain

Change color of right-click menu

Hi there, the right-click menu what pops up when u use it in a textfield is black letters on black backgnd. is there a way to change this? It seems to be autogenerated, maybe its a bug in the IDE or the compiler. When I change the colors of the properties they do not change this, only changes seems to be Backgnd of the main window. BTW i used Jabaco the first time, very impressive peace of software. Hope the projekt goes on. Thanks already for the answers

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