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Wednesday, August 12th 2009, 11:50am

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

Shell and Process ID

Hello Stefan, Dim VarPtr As New VarPtr() => class not found ?

Tuesday, June 16th 2009, 2:58pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

New Version

Quoted from "Manuel" Excuse my late reply. I've changed many things and there are only a few tasks I have to do before the next release (e.g. smaller bugs, tests, cleanup-jobs, documentation, aso). The release will be done within the next days. I'm seriously looking for the newest version ! Hope you'll include JNA.JAR into your newest version then anyone will be able to NATIVELY use DLLs & ActiveX and even POINTERS from your Java/VB code! I've recently used JNA and it's ten million better than ...

Wednesday, March 11th 2009, 12:07am

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN


Manuel, Do you have a date or an approximative one for the next Jabaco release please? Thanks

Wednesday, March 11th 2009, 12:05am

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

Reading an INI File?

Quoted from "Manuel" Quoted Hope Manuel will read this I noticed your good suggestion. We should improve the API-support. JNA is a possible way - I'm not sure with the LGPL license and the size of JNA... I'm not an expert at LGPL But the good point of JNA is its numerous supports : Win32, 64, Unix, Linux, MacOS... + its capabilities. IMO it should be a very good source of inspiration!

Tuesday, March 10th 2009, 11:36pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

Reading an INI File?

Quoted from "maXim" Hi Moogly, why continue with the Windows API? ini4j is a good wrapper to manage INI files in Windows format and javaini also seems to be another good solution... Best Regards, Massimo Yes why not but... tomorrow another API questions will be asked, and the actual API support that Jabaco handles is JNI, quite good but not supporting BYREF parameters nor capable of handling callbacks, BUT JNA supports it! See and you'll be very surprized, and I really...

Saturday, March 7th 2009, 10:55pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

RE: Jabaco IDE is a VB6 application?

Hello Manuel, Quoted from "A1880" Hi, ... Anyway, thank you Manuel for this nice masterpiece of software engineering! A1880 100 % agree with you ! I'm on the software part as well since 2001 with my FBSL project, I receive donations that allow me to pay for my web servers, because we all need some money to live, but money is not a goal, passion is a big engine that allow you to challenge your mind and give another meaning of life Keep up the good work Manuel! Yours, Gerome GUILLEMIN http://www.f...

Friday, February 27th 2009, 10:30am

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

How to use static method?

Hello, I have the followinf code that barks telling me that static method expected : Jabaco Source 1 2 3 Public Sub Form_Load() msgbox com#sun#security#auth#module#NTSystem.getDomain() End Sub How can I make this code running please? Thanks

Monday, February 23rd 2009, 8:21pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

A better JNI implementation...JNA?

Hello, Installed latest NetBeans package and discovered a better JNI interface, its Jar file is called jna-3.0.2.jar, into the NetBeans 6.5\platform9\modules\ext folder. Its DLL seems largely better than the actual Jabaco's DLL JNI support, and supports pointers & callbacks. If you want to see its internal mechanism you can get a good decompiler called JD-GUI there : As well see the officlal site : May be a next Jabaco's version w...

Thursday, February 19th 2009, 9:15pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

Audio Recording sample with NativeCall, Thread, Java-Calls, etc.

Dear Manuel, Many thanks! Here's a complete code if this can help someone : Jabaco Source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim o As IntCall Dim i As Integer Dim p(2) As String p(0) = "C:\Test.txt" p(1) = "C:\Test2.txt" com#eaio#nativecall#NativeCall.init() o = New IntCall( "kernel32", "CopyFileA" ) i = o.executeCall( p() ) End Sub

Tuesday, February 17th 2009, 11:14pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

RE: Output Parameters

Hello, Quoted from "A1880" Hi, yes, I also haven't succeeded with output parameters. see here "NativeCall" and WINAPI probably need some more thoughts and some testing. Due to Java's limitations (some would rather call it: "style") it is not directly possible to use output parameters. One way around would be to pass a container object as parameter and call its setter method from within the called routine. But this would obviously spoil the WINAPI syntax and would make WINAPI very much different ...

Tuesday, February 17th 2009, 3:12pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

Audio Recording sample with NativeCall, Thread, Java-Calls, etc.

Hello, NativeCall seems to have problems :/ The following code when executed do its call byt the returned value that is expected into va(3) gives cabbalistic values, instead of a string content... any idea ? Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Public Sub main(ByJava args() As String) Dim retStr As String Dim va(0 To 5) As Variant Dim res As Variant , i As Integer retStr = space(128) i = 128 va(0) = "TEST" va(1) = "TEST" va(2) = "zz" va(3) = retStr va(4) = i va(5) = ...

Monday, February 16th 2009, 11:43pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

RE: Home made JAR files

Hey, Finally I think I got it! The Java class has to be turned to public Here's the whole Zip pack : you can execute FBSL scripting language via the fabulous Jabaco interface! It works nicely! To get FBSL.DLL, you can grab the following Zip

Monday, February 16th 2009, 10:50pm

Author: Gerome GUILLEMIN

Home made JAR files

Hello, I've found and tested your RAD, and I can sincerely say that your work is really amazing and a very good product, even in its beta stage! BTW, I have a question... I'm a C developer and know a bit in Java. I've made a C DLL with a JNI interface + the folowing class file that I've compiled into a JAR file : Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 class FBSL { public native int SetDLL( String s ); public native int ExecuteScriptBuffer( String s ); public native int ExecuteScr...

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